At Emmanuel, we celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday morning and on all major feast days, using one of the liturgical rites set out in the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. Traditionally, the morning service at 8:30 has a homily but no music. At 10:30, there is Holy Eucharist (usually Rite II), with a sermon and music. Hymns come mostly from the 1982 Hymnal, with the choir accompanying the hymns and singing an anthem and/or a psalm with organ and other instruments.
Prayers for healing are offered once a month, generally on the first Sunday. During the school year, there is Christian education (Sunday School) during the 10:30 service and occasionally a children's homily. After the 10:30 service, parishioners and visitors gather for coffee hour in the Parish Hall, and from time to time adult Christian education (Adult Forums) and a monthly potluck lunch called “Breaking Bread.” Childcare is available upon request every Sunday from 9:30 to 12:30.
Our three Holy Week Services include: Maundy Thursday (foot-washing and Holy Communion followed by stripping of the Altar and a vigil with readings on the Stations of the Cross) and the traditional Good Friday liturgy with special music. One of the highlights of our church year occurs on Easter Day when our congregation gathers for a Sunrise Service with lighting of the Paschal candle and procession to the lakeside, followed by the main Eucharist at 10:30.
On select Wednesday evenings at 18:00 there is Bible study followed by evening worship. Please see the Newsletter for dates.
The three sister parishes - Emmanuel, Holy Trinity (Church of England) and St. Germain (Old Catholic) – come together for a joint bilingual Mass at least once a year, often on the Feast of the Presentation, while Emmanuel and Holy Trinity typically hold an annual joint Confirmation Service. Emmanuel and St. Germain typically hold a joint bilingual service on Good Friday.
Emmanuel Church members, lay and clergy, regularly participate in ecumenical services in Geneva, for example during the Week of Christian Unity.
The clergy and licensed Eucharistic Visitors regularly take the Reserved Sacraments to the sick and the shut-in members of the Parish.