Outreach programs help people in need outside of the congregation itself. Outreach has always been a central part of our ministry. The Outreach Commission meets about four times a year to decide on the projects and programs it is able to support. Priority is generally given to projects where the parish in general, or one or more of its members, has a personal connection.
The second Sunday of each month has been designated as Outreach Sunday, for purposes of sharing information on our activities and supplementing the funds provided through the general budget. Special fund-raising events are also organized on an ad hoc basis to raise additional funds, often in response to a crisis.
For a detailed report of 2016/2017 Outreach activities and plans, click here.

Hôpital Jean-Paul II, Bossemptélé, Central African Republic
On Sunday, 23 November 2014, our preacher was Father Bernard Kinvi, a Roman Catholic priest in charge of the hospital in Bossemptélé. He based his sermon on “I was hungry and you fed me …”, which has been the basis of his ministry. During the devastating civil war, he and the small staff stayed, providing care and a safe haven for all who needed it, bringing not only care and compassion, saving the lives of many, but an example of living out our faith that all of God’s people are worthy of our care. From this visit grew a relationship with the continuing work there. Funds have supported care for those unable to pay anything, new radiology equipment, equipment for the handicapped, and other on-going needs.

Svarna School, Kolkata, India
For a number of years Emmanuel Church has been helping support the Svarna School in Kolkata, India, as one of our long-term development projects. The Outreach Commission is in ongoing cooperation and association with the school Director, Gita Sundararaman. The school was established to provide a sound education for children otherwise unable to attend school and has a good success rate.
Over the years Emmanuel has contributed funds toward computers and other equipment, renovation for parts of the school badly in need of repair, and funds for scholarships.

Africa Night
The “Africa Night” held annually at Emmanuel is a party not to miss. Our active African parish community prepares dishes and music for our enjoyment each year in honour of a chosen charity. Most recently, this event in October 2016, raised over CHF 5,000 to help support the on-going work of Sanyu Babies in Kampala, Uganda. Established in 1929, Sanyu Babies takes in mostly babies who have been abandoned and sometimes babies who have lost their mothers, nurturing and raising them until they can be adopted or returned to their family as healthy children. It is not too late to give, just click on "Read More" to connect with this wonderful charity.

United Thank Offering
The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Emmanuel Church has participated in UTO for a number of years, encouraging members to drop a coin or two in the box whenever they feel particularly thankful. Emmanuel has also received funding from UTO toward remodeling the kitchen so that we can better prepare and serve for the many occasions providing food.
Through UTO, men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize and name our many daily blessings. Those who participate in UTO discover that thankfulness leads to generosity. UTO is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to distribute the monies to support mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion.
Refugee Support
The Outreach program of Emmanuel has a long history of responding to disasters and needs of refugees, as we believe that aiding the homeless and destitute is part of our Gospel mandate. On a number of occasions we have organized a concert or other event to raise funds. For the past two years (2015-2016) funds have been sent to the Anglican Chaplaincy in Athens to help support their extensive work with refugees, where churches and community groups are being stretched to the limit. On 20 June 2016, a special concert was held on World Refugee Day to raise funds for their work. Emmanuel has also supported the work of the Lutheran World Federation in the Za’atari refugee camp, Jordan, and has sent funds through Episcopal Relief and Development and other organizations to support disaster relief.

Partner Sein
Partner Sein is the aid agency of the Old Catholic Church of Switzerland. The Old Catholics, who are in full communion with the Anglican/Episcopal churches, often work with Anglican churches in other countries. Their projects are small, local and practical, designed to have a direct impact on the lives of the people. Each year Emmanuel Outreach, in collaboration with the Anglican Churches in the Swiss Archdeaconry, supports one of their projects. Most recently, funds have gone to support a project in Tanzania to help develop an infirmary run by the Anglican CMM sisters in the western highlands into a small hospital clinic.