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Commissions are volunteer groups that fulfill important internal and external service needs. Please prayerfully consider where you might best give your talents, and contact the group for further information about how you can be of assistance.


The Outreach Commission is responsible for activities helping people in need outside of the congregation itself. Outreach has always been a central part of our ministry. The Commission meets about four times a year to decide on the projects and programs it is able to support. 

The second Sunday of each month has been designated as Outreach Sunday, for purposes of sharing information on our activities and supplementing the funds provided through the general budget. Special fund-raising events are also organized on an ad hoc basis to raise additional funds, often in response to a crisis. For the past several years, the Africans in our congregation have organized an “Africa Night” of food, music and dance, to raise funds for a project in Africa – one of our livelier events of the year. 

Priority is generally given to projects where the parish in general, or one or more of its members, has a personal connection.

Support is given in four general areas: 

* Hands-on ministries in Geneva 

* Disaster response 

* Development projects 

* United Thank Offering


The Inreach Commission has been set up to provide parishioners with support in times of need, and the Rector, the Deacon, or members of the Inreach Committee, will visit anyone who expresses the need for their presence and spiritual support. To contact a member of the Inreach Committee, please send an e-mail to the Church office:

Emmanuel is a community that functions as an extended family to all. To assist the Rector and the Deacon in pastoral care for our diverse flock, the members of the Inreach Committee provide support to parishioners in the following ways:

Eucharistic Vistors. Trained by our Rector and our Deacon, these lay members of the parish have been commissioned to bring Holy Communion to parishioners unable to attend church.

Delivery of flowers and informal visits. - Meal preparation/casserole brigade.

Telephone contact. - Additional possibilities include keeping and updating our birthday roster, helping with rides to church, and developing small neighborhood study and prayer groups.


This Commission works with the Rector, Deacon, and Music Director and ensures that people are scheduled as helpers for the services. If you feel called to serve as one of the following, please volunteer below, and specify in your message for which task you'd like to donate your time. The VOLUNTEER button prepares an email to the schedule coordinator of service helpers.

- Acolytes

- Communion Servers

- Lectors

- Intercessors

- Ushers/Greeters

- Altar Guild/Flowers

- Coffee-Hour & Breaking Bread Servers

- Licensed Eucharist Ministers

- Music Participant


The Youth Commission supports the all-important activities and leadership of the Crèche, Sunday School, Youth Group, and Confirmation Classes, and is seeking to expand our youth activities to the 18-29 age group.


If you are a people person and want to help us make sure that Emmanuel is a place of warmth and welcome, please consider giving an announcement during our Sunday Service to newcomers. Our aim is to start the welcoming process by engaging visitors, and organizing a process to introduce them to the church.


Many people on this commission are able to participate in other commissions as well, since the time commitment is quite small. We schedule a rotation of welcomers, and would love to have you join us.


Do you love a good party? Are you well connected to community Christian eventsIf yes, than this is the commission for you. This group organizes and plans events intended to foster fellowship, support, and good old fun both within the Emmanuel Community and otherwise. This commission will engage often with our Communications Commission to get the word out about upcoming events. Please consider bringing your creative ideas, and giving time to this worthy cause.


The Communications Commission is interested in all things regarding how we stay in contact with our members, the larger community and how we attract visitors. Experience in community relations, website development, social media, and publishing is appreciated, but not required. This commission donates time and talent to spread the word of the good works being done at Emmanuel, and aims to utilize efficient, modern strategies to aid us in our mission.


This important commission aims to keep our church in great shape both inside and out. A philosophy of constant maintenance is needed to care for our beautiful gardens and historic structures. If you have experience in gardening, or just want to give it a try, please volunteer. For those with building maintenance experience or willingness to lend a hand, your help is needed. Please consider giving generously to this commission.


Emmanuel’s finances begin and end with Stewardship.  All that we have belongs to God and is entrusted to us to use for God’s purposes. This commission interacts with the parish to inspire annual giving. The annual Stewardship Campaign is an initiative to collect pledge commitments for financial budgeting, this commission would be well-suited to those with fundraising experience.  


Stewardship and the Annual Stewardship Campaign are not the same thing. Stewardship is a way of living in which the parish and all its members should be growing all year and every year. The annual Stewardship Campaign provides an annual opportunity for church members to express their financial stewardship. The Campaign gives focus to stewardship.  Stewardship includes finances, but it includes the whole life of the congregation well.


If you have a passion for numbers and accounting, this is the commission for you! Our Finance ministry is responsible for the budgeting, planning and reporting of the finances of Emmanuel Church. Trustworthy post-service collection counters are also needed to calculate totals, and to comply with accounting procedures. Please consider giving your talent to this worthy cause.

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3 Rue de Monthoux

1201 Geneva, Switzerland

(The entrance to the Sanctuary is at 4, Rue Dr Alfred-Vincent).

+41 (0) 22 732 80 78

Office Hours: Mon-Thu 11:00-14:00

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